Friday, November 18, 2005

Randall & Rebecca have learned a very important lesson from Donald Trump. One that will most likely stick with them throughout their business lives. When Donald Trump fires someone, do NOT move a muscle. Don't blink. Don't cough. Don't say a single word. Because he might just fire you too.

Thankfully, this is a lesson that they have learned well. Because they had to know they would need it as soon as Clay moved to their team at the beginning of the task. When a team is overjoyed to lose a member, that is NOT a good sign. And it was a good thing that Clay acted professionally about it (did he actually ask Randall for a hug??).

Now, Mark Burnett and the producers could not have seen coming Trump's multiple firings. So you would think that they have extra tasks now planned...3 or 4 extras, actually. So why did this task make the final cut? I just didn't see the point, other than the fact that XM Radio clearly paid a lot of money for it. This is why NBC has the most "product placement" of any network on television. While we thought we were watching The Apprentice, we really just watched a lengthy commercial for XM. (although if that's what I'll hear on XM, I think I'll stick to free radio, thanks) I love this show, but I liked the tasks from season 1 better, where the corporate sponsorships were a bit better hidden. (remember renovating an apartment, selling lemonade, or the negotiation scavenger hunt?) I want to watch a show, not an ad.

While the boardroom was predictable (how could Trump not fire Clay?), it was still good. Rebecca is clearly the woman to beat. She has established herself as honest and trustworthy, and these attributes will clearly get her far in the game. Quite possibly it could be an all woman

Two episodes next tivo will be getting a workout while I stuff my face with extra pie. Ahhh...Thanksgiving!

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