Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's The Biggest Loser: Matt edition! Matt gets his hair cut! Matt wins the challenge! Matt gains 12 pounds! Matt casts the deciding vote at elimination! Matt Matt Matt! Ok, they showed a little bit of Andrea and Shannon too (which is how you knew they would both be below the yellow line), but this episode was really all about Matt.

I do enjoy Matt. I know, I was tough on him last week with the crying (I mean, come on!), but he's a competitor, and is the man to beat. And after he let Suzy cut his hair, he looks like he's lost a lot of weight. It's shocking how much a hair cut can make a difference. He also wins the challenge -- biggest jump rope ever. Matt is definitely on a roll.

Oh my goodness -- I almost forgot about the temptation challenge. I am shocked that more of them didn't participate. 10 calories per throw? I burn about 100 calories per mile I walk on the treadmill. So for 18 minutes of extra workout (I walk slow), that's 10 throws. Why on earth wouldn't they take a throw or two? And really -- if 3 M&Ms is going to throw off your whole diet, you're doing something wrong.

Anyways, back to the Matt episode. I couldn't believe his "strategy" to gain weight for his non-elimination weigh-in. Aside from the fact that it will probably come back to bite him in the end, how on earth did he manage to gain 12 pounds in 7 days? Something doesn't quite jive. I mean, he lost a pound just in hair. I question the effectiveness of the Biggest Loser diet if he goes off the plan for a few days, and gains 12 pounds back. How on earth are these people going to maintain their loss in the real world of office birthday parties and fast food?

So, Shannon went home, and her "24 hours later" video was amazing. Now, I am not one to mock big families (and by big, I'm not talking about number of members). In fact, I come from a family of big-boned relatives. But Shannon's family was all overweight. I hope that she helps them to learn healthier ways to eat as well. She seems like someone who would...that would be a great outcome of the show.

So we have to wait another week to find out if Matt's plan week will be good!

1 comment:

mara said...

Thanks for the kind words! I like Dr. Jeff too...100 pounds is an amazing amount of weight to lose. I think he has met his goal of inspiring his patients...he's certainly inspired me.