Friday, November 04, 2005

Ahhh...I love Mark Burnett night continues with The Apprentice. After last week's boardroom massacre, I don't know how they can top themselves. Just the look of the four of them all crammed in the back of the taxi, silently looking at each...reality tv gold.

In previous seasons, contestants have said that they don't actually pack their bags for each boardroom. In fact, in season 1, they filmed all the shots of the fired contestents getting into the cabs at once before filming even started. If you watched carefully, you could tell, especially with the girls. They would have their hair up in the boardroom, down as they walked to the cab, then back up in the cab. (yes, somewhere there was a tape of season 1 winner Bill doing the "walk of shame") And even past season 1, they would just get in the cab, drive around the block, then come back to the suite to pack and say goodbye. So I am wondering what happened when the four contestants got the boot last week. The remaining players waited up for them, but no one ever returned, or even called to tell them what happened. It wasn't until they asked Trump that they found out. Did they change the way contestants leave this season? Or did the four who got fired really just spend a night with none of their stuff? (is it wrong that as a gainfully employed adult I have put this much thought into a 3 minute bit of reality tv?)

The task itself tonight was interesting. I had never heard of the Learning Annex, which was a nice change from the ridiculous product placements that usually make up a task. I loved the class that Excel designed. They could actually speak to the subject matter, and there are actually people who would be interested in the subject matter. (I do wonder if the students knew what they were going to see, and if they paid for the class) Capital Edge's class was so ill-conceived. But I guess watching Clay talk about slapping-ass makes for good television.

The majority of the show was after the task...I guess someone realized that we really just want to see boardroom. Donald Trump is just so good yelling at these kids. He certainly didn't disappoint tonight. I about fell off of my couch when he explained homosexuality as "that's why they have menus in restaurants. Some people like the steak, others like spaghetti." I guess that's what it does really boil down to, but it made me laugh so hard. And while I was happy as heck to see Markus finally go, I do wonder if Clay stayed on another week so it wouldn't look like Donald was firing him because he's gay.

Oh, Markus. Will you ever learn? After Trump fires you because you just won't stop talking, you proved him right. Have you ever heard of being a graceful loser? And it never seems to occur to the fired contestants that even though they won't be working for Trump, they still want to work for someone. Don't be a sore loser on national tv!

My odds on favorite to win it all? Randall. No question.

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