Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Ok, did tonight's episode of The Biggest Loser seem anticlimactic to anyone other than me? It just seemed like there wasn't a lot to it. No temptation this week; not a lot of time in the gym. Just a challenge, weigh-in, and a vote-off. Well, except for the oatmeal commercial...I sure hope the 4 contestants and Bob get some sort of cash for thei convincing performance as oatmeal lovers.

I did like the challenge. Well, the twist on the challenge, actually. When Caroline said that the winner would be the contestant with the fastest time, why didn't anyone ask "so, the person who gets to the top first wins, right?". The look on Matt's face was great -- his speed ended up hurting him in the end. Of course, he did get to have his coach and friend come in earlier, so what is he complaining for (Hasn't a visit from a friend been a reward in the past? How come only he got that?).

Even though I'm surprised that Andrea was eliminated, I'm glad Suzy will be in the final. She has a real shot at beating the boys...and it would be great to see a woman win!
Can't wait for the live finale next week...

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