Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tribal Mixup on Survivor

Well, it's about time. Actually, I was ready for a tribe mixup weeks ago. And I liked that (and purely by chance) the team that seems weaker on paper (Earl, Yau Man, etc.) got the nicer camp. And, of course, it made me laugh that Rocky still is stuck on Ravu.

Anyways, there were a couple of big things in tonight's episode (which, by the way, was one of the best of the season). First - Lisi. I hate her. To think of how many people want to be on Survivor, and there she is throwing a temper tantrum because her alliance got split up? Are you 4? You could just hear her saying "well, if you're going to take away my toys, I'm going home." Blech. And her attitude on Exile wasn't much better. It's Survivor karma - perhaps if you and Stacy had been nicer you would have been picker earlier on. Boo hoo to you. But thank you to Probst for pointing out just how crazy her tantrum was.

There was also the emergence of Earl as a real power player. I'm glad - he seems like a really nice guy - and his "godfather-like" interviews cracked me up. There's no question in my mind that Cassandra has re-aligned with him and Yau Man and will vote off Boo & Stacy as soon as they get the chance. (and what was the deal with Boo's attitude last night too? Cripes.) The power players over at Ravu seem to be Alex and Ed - I like them both, but I wish that they had targeted Rocky. I have no idea what they have to gain by keeping him around. Sure, Anthony might be the worst challenge competitor ever, but Rocky wasn't that much better. And it seemed like Anthony did a lot around the camp. After Rocky's crazy explosion at tribal, I don't know how they kept to voting for Anthony.

I LOVED the challenge. It was one of the most creative I've seen in awhile - a fantastic combination of team work, puzzle, and physical challenge. I am hoping that they will put the entire thing online to watch (generally the challenges last a lot longer than we see - they often edit an hour long challenge down to 3 minutes). Fantastic.

And finally, there's Anthony. He seems like a nice enough guy. But he just wasn't cut out for Survivor.

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