Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's Time for Naked Cruelty!

That's right, it's the final cut night. And they made it even worse this year, as Simon told many of the finalists that they had made it in the most twisted ways possible. (seriously, how mean is it to tell someone "we're sorry to tell you that you won't be excluded"? Huh?)

Not too many surprises about who made it. Almost half of the final 24 were contestants that I had picked out before. But there's a few who I really liked in the audition round who we never heard from again. I don't understand that - why they wouldn't follow up with them is beyond me. (especially Akron & Jenry) I'm also still a little miffed that they condensed Hollywood week down to one hour.

It's hard to choose a favorite at this point. Idol is notoriously hard to predict. Even the best singers have bad weeks, and there is ALWAYS a week where a favorite goes home in a big shocker. I really like Chris Sligh (he's the white guy with the 'fro) - he's hilarious, and has a fantastic voice. I also like Sanjaya, Phil, and Nicholas for the guys. The girls don't seem as strong this year, but it's still early. Gina rocks, as does Melinda. And Lakeisha is a powerful force as well. Next week are the live shows...if they use the same format as last year (guys one night, girls another) we'll get three nights of Idol for a few weeks...thank you.

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