Thursday, February 22, 2007

First Four Voted Out on Idol

I know I’m not alone in loving results night on American Idol. There’s something captivating about how cruel it is. Like a train wreck, you just can’t tear your eyes away.

After what was actually not such a bad group number (I really hate them, but somehow they have to stretch this out for an hour. That’s right, an hour), we got right down to it. Say what you will about Seacrest, but he is the master of the results show. And it’s always a little different. He started tonight with the back row of guys. After reviewing each guy’s night and sending them back “to safety” (ha!), the only one left was Paul – no surprise that he’s the first one voted out. Of course, we have the added cruelty of making them sing the very song that got them voted out. Did I mention I how much I love this?

After the requisite commercial break, Seacrest gets the back line of girls up. And just like with the guys, one by one he sends them all back to their seats until we’re just left with Antonella. So, she’s pretty sure she’s toast. Except that she’s not – Ryan sends her back, calls up Amy, and tells her she’s out. Really fantastic television.

Side note – what happened to Fantasia? She still sounds good, but she doesn’t look so good. Maybe it’s the outfit…something just seems wrong. It’s also a good time to point out how glad I am that no one this season has decided that they are such a big star that they can use just their first name.

The second girl to get cut is Nicole – not really a surprise. There was such a division between the good and the not-so good girls. I almost felt like the bottom girls were interchangeable – we could have lost any of them and it would have been just fine. I was shocked though with the second guy cut. Not because Rudy is going home – he wasn’t that good. But because when it was down to Sanjaya and Rudy, Seacrest said that one was in the top four and one is going home. How on Earth is Sanjaya in the top four? Are there really that many young girls that vote? I also don’t understand why Simon felt the need to say that Rudy isn’t a good singer at all – then why did he get a spot over some of the other fabulous singers we saw in the audition rounds?

Anyways, I’m glad that they’ve changed the sappy song to play over the “we’re going to miss you” clip show of the ousted contestants. I don’t know who sings it, but it’s a beautiful song (and you just know that it will be on every radio in America tomorrow). I can't wait for more next week.

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