Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Yes, I'm still watching Grease: You're the One That I Want. And no, I don't know why. I think I want to figure out how they are going to end up with the "stars" they want regardless of how America votes. It's like a puzzle...sort of...

At the beginning of the show they announce that the bottom vote getters will have to "sing for their lives" (which would make my husband's dreams come true if it were true...his wish for all these shows is that everyone gets "launched into the sun"). That's right - right away we learn that the contestants with the lowest vote totals won't necessarily be cut. Does anyone else think that they added this twist when they realized that "America" doesn't have a clue? Especially when they revealed later on in the episode who did get the lowest vote totals, and they weren't actually eliminated. Hmmm...

I also don't understand the judging. There were some contestants that were pretty good, but the judges were really tough on them. There were others that weren't good at all that the judges just said "good job" to. And there were a few that were horrible that the judges loved. Can they really sound that different in-studio as they do on tv? (they talk about that a lot on Idol - that it sounds different to the judges in the studio) I just think that they are trying to manipulate the votes somehow. Trust me, I'll figure this out.

On to the actual performances. Somehow, Andrew Lloyd Webber is there, and they are all singing broadway songs (which is what they should be singing, really). There were a few that were really good - I liked Derek, Ashley S., Chad, and Laura. I thought that Juliana sounded a LOT better than the judges gave her credit for. And I thought that Kate and Max weren't nearly as good as the judges thought. In fact, I thought that Kate & Max were two of the worst performances; I guess that for whatever reason the judges just really love them.

And no surprise that even though they got more votes than Allie & Jason, Matt & Ashley A. were eliminated. Does anyone else think that they brought the two of them back just so they could extend the series an extra week? It's too bad - there is so much potential in the show, and it's just not even close to living up to it.

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