Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Drama on the Bachelor

Oh the drama! The girls get woken up by a drill sergeant! The girls have to run in place! The girls have to appear on television without makeup!

Of course, we all saw the previews, so we knew that someone was going to go down during the boot camp. And right there in the middle of the tire run, Bevin sprained her ankle. Now, don't get me wrong - I have sprained my ankle. In fact, I've worn that same brace and used those same crutches before. It hurts like holy hell. But it's certainly not "ambulance worthy." I also turned to my husband (who was dying because he promised to not make any snarky comments as I watched...he made it about 10 minutes in...) and said "I bet that some of these girls are going to complain about the extra "alone time" Bevin gets now. And sure enough, they did. Come on girls - aren't we better than this?

The group dates were fairly predictable. Andy seems to be all about any date where the girls will have to wear bikinis. I love to think about the planning of these dates (imagine the conversation..."Andy, do you think you would like to take a mud bath with 5 gorgeous mostly naked women?" "well..."). And we got to see plenty of footage of Stephanie South Caroline realize that Andy is kissing more than just her. Ha! The second group date was surprising only in that the girls were so covered up. And I was really bummed that the two girls going on the 2-on-1 date were two that I actually liked. Well, I really just liked how Andy pronounced Peyton's name. (I wonder how he chooses who goes on dates like that...do you think that he probably was ready to get rid of Peyton anyways? Do the producers choose? Do you think I think about this way too much?)

We're still at the point of the season where the girls are all still blending together, but Amber seems to be a front-runner. I like Tessa as well. And yes, I can't believe I care.

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