Tuesday, April 17, 2007

An Amazing Leg in Hong Kong

FINALLY, we're getting some tasks that fit the fact that this is an all-stars season of TAR. Hallelujah.

In case you couldn't guess, I LOVED the ninja task on this week's episode of The Amazing Race. I would have loved it more if there was more fighting with the ninjas, but still - it was great to see an actual physical task. They haven't had to do much of that this season, and I don't know why.

The other thing I don't understand is why Danny & Oswald were able to do the fast forward. They did the fast forward in Poland with Uchenna & Joyce. I thought that you were able to only do one fast forward on the race. I don't remember Phil saying that the rules were different this season; what gives?

The leg also made me love the beauty queens even more and like Mirna & Charla even less. I do feel for Charla - she sometimes seems like she disagrees with how Mirna treats others, but doesn't really know what to do about it. It's a shame - this is how so many of us get labeled "ugly Americans" when we travel abroad.

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