Thursday, July 20, 2006

Nakomis the Next Houseguest Evicted

The thing that makes Big Brother so different from any other reality show is that it’s shown to us in real time. We’re seeing things as they happen, and the remaining houseguests are in the house right now, wondering who James will nominate for eviction along with us. Why is this so important? The editing of individual shows isn’t as good, since thy just don’t have as much time (for example, Survivor is shot 3-4 months before the episodes air). But they also can’t edit in a story line – the editors don’t know what will happen either. And that element makes the show so different than the others. Even the best edited shows (Survivor, Amazing Race…) have story lines. It’s nice to watch a show where the only story lines are the ones that the contestants are coming up with.

Like the secret Mr. & Mrs. Smith alliance between Diane & Jase. What is that all about? It does look like they probably do have something going on. But Mr. & Mrs. Smith? Come on.

Then there’s Howie’s man crush on Dr. Will. Did Howie kiss Will tonight? And what was up with him sitting rubbing Will’s shoulder? Yikes.

Anyways, I wasn’t too surprised to see Nakomis go home tonight. I was, however, surprised to see another member of the S-6 alliance win HoH for the third week in a row. Even though James tries to distance himself from the S-6ers, he’s secured them all another week in the BB7 house. Should be interesting to see if he will put Chilltown up for eviction, or if he’ll continue the trend of floaters.

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