Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Drama! Drama! Drama!

Oh, the drama at the Big Brother house! And oh how I love it!

With James as HoH, the S-6 alliance is in full control of the game. And his nominations weren’t really a surprise. Chicken George is playing the game hard, even if he doesn’t admit it. It sure does take him a long time on his knees behind the counter to sweep up for someone who’s not eavesdropping, doesn’t it? And the whole idea that Dr. Will is up as a pawn is laughable too. There’s a reason why he’s one of the best to ever play the game.

The food competition was fun, but I wonder if they decided to have that particular game before the season started, or if someone pointed out how wrong it is to be making a team eat slop for the week. PB&J is one thing; slop is another. It definitely looks like some of them weren’t really eating anything for the week; it’s just that objectionable.

The PoV competition was the best so far. They pretty much played truth or dare, and some of the dares were pretty hard. I know that I wouldn’t have shaved my head (and we all know that Jase wouldn’t have either if he was still in it!). Not only did Chicken George win, but he’ll be eating slop for the rest of the summer.

Marcellas may be the funniest person in the house. Why is he always walking around in a robe? And his commentary on Kaysar was hilarious. Even my husband who claims to not be watching laughed out loud at that. And the shouting match at the end of the show between him and Jase was fantastic. I hope he’s around for awhile.

The veto ceremony was phenomenal television. Will’s speech was perfect. I loved it – and after all that talk about hating all of them and throwing every challenge, the bottom line is he’s probably still going to be around after the vote tomorrow night. He’s right – the target on his back has now gotten so large that it’s invisible. It makes you remember just how smart he is.

So tomorrow night we’ll likely see the eviction of Jase. I can’t say that I’ll be too sad to see him and his primping go.

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