Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Janelle is the Veto Queen

It’s Christmas in August in the Big Brother house. Which, apparently, means that we get to see Will’s man crush on Neil Patrick Harris play out in person. Wow.

I am still in love with Chilltown (even with the Neil Patrick Harris revelation). They are outsmarting nearly everyone in the game. I don’t know how you couldn’t vote for one of them in the end to win the game. They have played a phenomenal game. That, and they’re just so goofy. Did you see Will when Neil Patrick Harris woke him up? Or when they got the trampoline? Or during the veto competition? Or….

James has lost his Veto King title for good. Janelle is amazing. One minute? Holy cow. No question that she is the ultimate competitor, and that she is far smarter than she lets on.

But in the end, it was Chilltown with all the smarts. Somehow, they convinced Erika to put up Danielle after Janelle won PoV. It was completely the right move – there’s no way that any of them can beat Danielle in the finals. And after Danielle flipped out, well, it was clearly the right choice. And even better is that Erika did the dirty work instead of them.

Danielle will probably go home on Thursday. Of course, I will have to wait until Friday to see it. That’s right, anyone in the Washington DC area will be treated to a meaningless football game played by a team that lost to my team (the almighty New England Patriots) last week 41-0 instead of BB7. Thank you DC CBS affiliate for at least running my show afterwards, even if it is at 2:35 in the morning.

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