Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Celb Duets

You know how sometimes shows are really good? Then there are the shows that are bad? Then there are the shows that are so bad they’re good? I’m not sure where Celebrity Duets falls. I take that back. I am sure that it wasn’t really good. So it’s somewhere between bad and so bad it’s good. Really hard to say so far.

Some of it was ok. Jai Rodriguez (from Queer Eye) is actually a pretty good singer. And…well…ok, so we’ve got Jai Rodriguez. Hal Sparks was on (you may know Hal Sparks from “I Love the 80s”). And there was the spectacle of the judges, since Little Richard was the “Paula Abdul judge” for the show.

More than anything else, I just wish that Simon Cowell would stop making shows. Stick to Idol and be done with it. Please.

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