Monday, January 30, 2006

So I went out to dinner Saturday night with an old friend. And we weren’t the only old friends catching up at the restaurant – the table behind me was clearly two women doing the same thing. But while my friend and I talked about our jobs, friends, and all sorts of things, what were the two women behind us catching up on? The Bachelor: Paris. I guess I’m not the only one…

Before I continue though, please scroll down to read my entry from last week’s show. Go ahead – I’ll wait. At the end, I talked about a great idea for who the “mystery women” could be. And what happened? They used my idea!!!! Ok, before you start writing me nasty emails (“don’t you know that the show was filmed months ago?”), yes, I know that it wasn’t my idea. But would you accept that I managed to predict the truth? Maybe? :) All in all, I liked that the dates were decided by former contestants. The girls in the house have a better idea than most who is really there for the right reasons. So it was no surprise that Jehan and Sarah from Tennessee got the individual dates – excellent choices.

Of course, Jehan’s date was overshadowed by her “big revelation.” This also brings to light that my definition of a big revelation is clearly very different than that of a tv exec. Because I was hoping for something big – you know, like that she is a former porn star, or maybe a hooker. (Remember back to the second season of Average Joe? The big revelation was that she used to date pretty boy Fabio. Whoop de do.) But the “big” revelation was that she is divorced. See, the thing is that 50% of marriages end in divorce. It’s horrifying, but true. We all have friends who have been divorced. It might be a big deal for Travis, but not for most of us. At least Jehan was a nice, honest girl.

Which leads me to the group date, or “Moana brings three girls on her date.” What does he see in her? Yes, I understand she’s pretty, but so were the girls he let go. My only thought is that when they were getting the massage, she told him something that wasn’t aired. As she started to open up, it’s entirely possible that she asked them to stop filming, or to turn the sound off. I hope that this is really just editing, and she’s not as mean as they are making her out to be. But they can only edit what actually happens.

Other than Moana, I was so happy with the rose ceremony. I love Sarah from Tennessee, and it’s great that she is from the same place as him. I think that will get her a lot further than the other girls…it will be a lot easier for them to have an actual relationship. And I like Susan as well. I know they say that she wants to be an actress, but she seems really nice. Other than the fact that in the promo for next week you see him being grilled by Sarah from Tennessee’s mom, I think that the final 3 will be the two Sarahs and Susan…hopefully only one more week of Moana!!

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