Saturday, September 15, 2007

Summer of the Donatos

I know it's been awhile since I've blogged about Big Brother, and now that I have the time I'm just too annoyed to do it. Grrrr...

The "America's Player" twist this summer changed the entire game. I can't imagine that if Eric was acting on his own he would have let Dick & Danielle make it so far in the game. In fact, I don't even think that Dick would have made it to the jury house if Eric had had his way. It's such a bummer. I really liked Eric, Jessica, and Dustin, and they got screwed by the twist. I really hope that they let Eric come back next season to play again on his own. I also love that the love between Jessica and Eric seems to be real (and didn't you just love Dustin's comment about the thin walls in the jury house on Thursday?).

I'm also really dismayed at how some of the events of the summer were handled. The worst, to me, were the anti-semetic comments made by Amber. Those, though, I understand why they couldn't do anything about (other than not show it again on CBS). But Dick's constant attacks (especially against Jen) were absurd. The producer said that they didn't punish Dick for dumping iced tea on Jen because of Jen's reaction - so, apparently, because Jen put up a brave face each time she was attacked, Dick received no punishment. How ridiculous. I felt the same way about the fight between Jen & Dick that involved Dick's cigarettes and Jen eating. No question that Jen needed to receive a penalty for eating while she was on slop (though maybe it's a signal to the producers that they need to bring back PB&Js next fact, did they even have any more food competitions after that?). But destroying Dick's cigarettes? CBS directed Eric to destroy Jen's property earlier in the season. I also question the "enemy" twist, since Danielle & Dick have had an alliance all summer - CBS clearly thought that this would be a good story.

So, now we're left with Dick and Danielle in the final two. I don't know how the jury can even choose. Dick spent the summer being truly ugly to everyone on the jury. And Danielle was crafty beyond belief. She betrayed each and every one of her alliances, and cheated on her boyfriend on national television. And she did it while saying that she didn't lie to anyone. There's no question that she's a fierce competitor, but I have to wonder if she would have done as well if her dad hadn't been in the house to deflect the heat off of her. She'll likely win by default. All I know is that when Eric reveals the AP twist, it will be the highlight of the season.

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