Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Dick Crowned Winner of BB8

In a much wider margin than I would ever have imagined, Dick was crowned the winner of Big Brother 8. I can't believe it. I don't even know what there is to say - there were no good choices, and I suppose that the jury recognized that even though Danielle was the brains of the operation, Dick did the grunt work. Go figure.

The finale itself was pretty good. I liked that Amber called out Danielle about cheating on her boyfriend with Nick, and it was clear that her relationship with him (her boyfriend) is over when she hugged Nick when she got out (with no boyfriend to be seen). And supposedly they are going on a trip to Europe together. I guess she knew it was over when her HoH letter was from Nick, not her boyfriend. And the reaction of the players to learning about the America's Player twist was good too.

So that's it for BB8. I already miss it...

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