Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Would you Rather Quit or be Fired?

That's really the question, isn't it. Ok, maybe the bigger question from Sunday night is how Tom Brady and my beloved Patriots could blow a 21-3 halftime lead to the Colts. Seriously. I don't care that it was one of the best games ever, that Peyton Manning may just be a better QB than Brady, and that he might also be one of the nicest and most decent guys in the game. At least now we can get back to focusing on the fact that pitchers and catchers report to spring training in less than a month. Sigh...

So after I got over the Pats loss (ok, sort of), I watched Sunday night's episode of The Apprentice. I'm just not sure about this season. It sure does seem like it's jumped the shark. But I can't figure out why. The contestants are nice enough. The twists this season are actually interesting. And all of the tasks have been fantastic (best tasks in several years...thank you Mark Burnett...). But something seems to be lacking, and I don't know what.

The task this week was fantastic. And you could tell from about two seconds in that Michelle was going to lose. She didn't want to be project manager, and she clearly had no leadership skills. Meanwhile, Aaron was leading his team to a clear victory. I kind of felt bad for Michelle's team. It was pitiful. But what was even more pitiful than the crushing defeat was Michelle quitting. She had to know she was going to be fired. She could have even gone into the board room, said that she was responsible for the loss and that she should be fired instead of the others. It would have been the same result, and she would have looked a million times better. Instead, she made a decision that is going to make it hard for her to get a job outside of the show. Yes, the show is hard. But you had to know that going in - to look at Donald Trump and tell him that this wasn't what you signed up for is not only dumb; it's insulting, both to Trump and to the thousands of people who were turned down so you could have a chance on the show. I hope that she can live with that choice.

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