Monday, February 27, 2006

Skating With Celebrities hoodwinked me tonight. And believe me, they got me good.

But, before we get to the skating (which, by the way, took a painfully long time to get to), an Olympic side note. Did you see two (yes, two) members of the “cast” at the Olympics last week? John Nicks is the coach of silver medalist Sasha Cohen. (so you know that at some point in this show thinking, “I coach Olympians…what am I doing here???) And there was also John Zimmerman, cheering on his wife, Italian skater Silvia Fontana. He definitely had the look of “my wife is skating in the Olympics, while I’m skating with celebrities…sigh…”

So, back to the show. They are really stretching this one out – having commentary from the eliminated couples, footage of the training sessions, bringing everyone back to skate again (which, for me, really highlighted why the judges were ridiculous to not eliminate Bruce & Tai the first week). In fact, Kristy and Lloyd didn’t even skate their “short program” until 42 minutes into the show. SO tedious. For those of you who didn’t have the luxury of fast forwarding through some of this, well, I don’t know how you did it.

The actual programs (yes, there were actual programs in there) were good. John & Jillian started off showing that they were willing to throw the big tricks, even if it meant big risks. And their first lift didn’t go great – the pull-through didn’t really, well, pull-through. But they were still rewarded with big scores. Kristy & Lloyd countered with a very different program – slow, romantic, beautiful. Rumor has it that they’ve started dating, so the “romanticness” (yes, I’m sure that’s a word) was genuine.

So, you would think that since I noticed that Kristy & Lloyd didn’t skate until 42 minutes in, I would have realized that we wouldn’t be seeing the end of this tonight. But, I didn’t. I somehow missed the fact that even though Fox told us that tonight was the season finale, it was really only part 1 of the finale. Listen to me Fox – I’m not a fan of being tricked into watching your shows! It’s bad enough that I choose to watch this crap – don’t lie to me on top of it.

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