Monday, February 06, 2006

I admit it – I watched tonight’s episode of Skating With Celebrities. Even though I said I wouldn’t, I did. Sigh...

The upside of watching tonight’s episode was that the first two pairs were really good. Kristy & Lloyd were fantastic. The first lift, where he spun her around his head, was phenomenal. And the two to one handed death spiral was great. They got big, well deserved scores.

John & Jillian were great too. While it didn’t look like their program was as technically packed as Kristy & Lloyd’s (probably because of Jillian’s rib), there is so much chemistry between the two of them that you hardly noticed. I do, though, wonder if the judges awarded them scores that would tie Kristy & Lloyd on purpose.

One question about Jillian – during the tape of them practicing, she was wearing a pink cap with what looked like black electrical tape on it. What was on that cap that a producer made her cover up? And if she needed to cover something up, why didn’t she just take the cap off?

Anyways, Nancy & Dave’s performance actually garnered a response from my husband (who really hates this show). Well, more like a plea…I believe his exact words were “noooooo!” -- during the “shake it like a Polaroid picture” part of the song, of course. I did NOT need to see that! And what was up with Dorothy giving them a 9.1 for a technical score? Yikes.

Bruce and Tai capped off the evening with what was really a clever ploy for more airtime. For those of you who didn’t realize it, the song they skated to was by last season’s American Idol, Carrie Underwood. It was actually the big song she sang on the show. You just know that the Fox tie-in earned them a couple of extra points. And it was important, considering Tai forgot one of the most important rules of figure skating – watch out for the boards. She played it off really well though – I actually rewound it because I wasn’t positive if it was a mistake or planned.

So, Nancy & Dave went home because Bruce & Tai got more pity points (or, as my husband says, they are scoring on a curve) than they did. Hopefully next week they’ll go home too, and we’ll be left with two really good teams.

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