Tuesday, February 07, 2006

As a general rule, I hate musical montages. And the one at the end of tonight’s episode of American Idol was really no different. But the montage signaled the end of auditions, and for that, I’m thankful.

Sure, I love watching the train wreck that is “bad singers who don’t realize they’re bad.” But this season it seemed like a lot of the bad singers knew they were bad. I mean come on. Some of them just had to be auditioning to get on tv. Or maybe to settle a bet with a fraternity brother. Either way, they didn’t think for a moment that they would actually make it to Hollywood.

Of course, there are those that thought that they could sing. But when even Paula starts shaking her head no while you’re singing, you know it’s bad. Like the guy in the Patriots jersey (and for future reference, please don’t wear a Patriots or Red Sox jersey when you’re going to be embarrassing yourself on national tv – it’s just not good for the rest of us in Red Sox Nation). Or the guy who sounded like Cher. Or the Clay Aiken look alike. You can’t sing. Get over it.

So, count me in as grateful for the end of the first round of auditions. Hollywood, here we come.

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