Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Not too much to say about the special "holiday episode" of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The concept of the different people who had been helped by the show doing something to help others was nice. And because they had the full power of ABC, they were able to do some pretty big things. (did you know that ABC & Disney have the same parent company?)

Of course, I did wonder why Laura Bush went to help -- it seems like she is the only one in the White House who really cares about the hurricane victims. (ok, so I don't watch just reality tv) My favorite, though, was opening up Disney World at night for the kids who can't be out in the light. That was amazing. And I loved the girl who was excited that the princesses were there because the princess "only are out during the day." That's the type of thing that those families will never forget.

The only thing I had a problem with was the constant use of the phrase "pay it forward." It just seemed ridiculous. But the idea of paying it forward is simple -- I help three people out. When they ask how they can repay me, I ask them to "pay it forward" -- help out three other people. This means that now 9 people are helped. It's exponential growth in action. If it took a week to help the three new people, and everyone who is helped helps three more, continued to happen like this (each person helped helps out three more), in six weeks, 1,853,020,188,851,841 people will be helped. Really. (I double checked my math more than a few times). That's pretty amazing. Think I might go out and start my own campaign to get people to pay it forward...

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