Thursday, December 01, 2005

A few weeks ago, Randall and Rebecca demonstrated that they had learned a very important lesson while on The Apprentice -- when Donald Trump fires someone, do not move a muscle. Don't get up. Don't say anything. He just might not be done. Alas, this was not a lesson that Alla appears to have learned. Which is why at approximately 9:55 EST, you may have heard a giant gasp coming somewhere from the vicinity of my house. Trump fired Felisha, and Alla stands up and starts to say her goodbyes. Oh Alla -- and I thought you might win.

The episode itself was really interesting. Not because it was essentially a coronation for Rebecca, but because of the dynamic between Alla & Felisha. Alla and Felisha have a friendship. From the start of this season, they have had almost a sorority girl thing going on. I think a friendship like that works really well early on in the game. But in the later stages of the game, you have to remember that you are competitors. They just couldn't seem to get past the fact that if they lost, one of them was going home. And neither girl was going to let it be her. So they spent the entire time trying to not let the other shine. It was really strange. I had initially thought that they would both be trying to out-do each other; instead, they seemed to both be trying to make sure the other underperformed.

So it was no surprise at all that Randall & Rebecca won. And I was glad to see that Randall got to see his wife (of course, did you notice that earlier in the episode, Rebcca talked about how nice it would be to be sharing dinner with her boyfriend, and Randall talked about wanting to see his wife. Foresahdowing anyone?). It seemed to soften him a bit, and I thought they both really derserved it.

Next week should be good. Neither of them are expecting to be at a head-t0-head task yet. And I guess that they are not doing the "interview" section of the show this year. I just hope that Rebecca can finally get that darn cast off of her ankle -- I feel so bad for her everytime she hops into a room. Of course, if all my shows are about to have their season finales, and the new ones (like The Bachelor and American Idol) won't premiere until January...oh dear.

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