Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm So Over The Biggest Loser

That's right, I said it. I'm over it. I can't totally pinpoint when the season went wrong for me, but it has gone very very wrong. Some thoughts...

Enough with the product placements. Did we really need a five minute ad for Jennie-O Turkey? I really don't mind showing the packages as they're making dinner or having snacks (nice shot of them all eating sugar-free Jell-o last night, by the way). But the commercials? Come on. Who talks like that in real life?

The contestants this season are far more interested in "playing the game" then in the life changes that have been so prevalent in the previous seasons. Have you noticed that we don't have the emotional diary room footage about how the show has given them hope and change their lives? That's because they're there to win the money, not to change their lives. And Bob can't be but so upset with Erik for his game play, since both him and Kim have encouraged it earlier in the game. I don't know if it has to do with poor casting or more "game-savvy" players, but it makes for a very different show.

I'm also not a fan of the trainers this season. Bob's tone has become totally different, and Kim is certainly no Jillian. I wonder if she left because of the direction the show was going in. I'm also not a fan of the fact that the "teams" are still in place - what happened to combining teams and training together? It's all so absurd.

So they voted off whiny Adrian, simply because she's the "new girl." Turns out to not be such a good idea, since she actually gained weight once she went home. I hope that this whole players-at-home-rejoining-the-game thing doesn't happen again next season (or if it does, add a few in and make two new teams - old vs. new). I'm glad we only have two weeks till a winner.

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