Wednesday, April 26, 2006


What an episode of The Amazing Race!

The hippies made a nice recovery from last leg’s last place finish. I was glad to see them not beg for money until they got on the plane, and picking up a hitchhiker seemed to really work out for them. But I’m wondering about the whole “TTOW!” thing…it’s on their shirts and is their rallying cry. But what the heck does it mean? Hmmm…

At what point did Mo Jo become so obnoxious? It’s one thing to not want to help out the hippies with money, but you don’t have to pretend you’re going to. And what was the deal with the taxis after the ferry? Joseph actually said that he was going to take the first one he saw, regardless of whose it was.

I liked the sights on this leg as well…Australia looks amazing. I so want to go! I also liked that there were several spots where the contestants bunched up – it’s nice to not know in advance which teams will come in first! And I loved the comments from Fran and Barry at the hostel…although the fact that the race is cramping their sex life may have been just a bit too much information!

What I didn’t like was the product placement roadblock. The task itself was fine…especially the fact that it just took so long to find the tunnels. But did we need the “find the Duracell batteries” part? Ugh.

I was sad to see Fran and Barry eliminated. Of all the “older” teams that have run the race, they were one of the best. I’m sorry to see them go.

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