Monday, April 17, 2006

Celeb-Reality Jumps the Shark

Celebrity shows have officially jumped the shark. If you tuned in tonight to Celebrity Cooking Showdown tonight (and really, why would you have?), you know exactly what I mean. Somehow, someone at NBC decided that Americans would like to watch pseudo-celebs cook dinner. Even this reality show addict couldn’t make it through the entire episode.

Now, I love Iron Chef. If you haven’t seen the original Japanese show on the Food Network, you should really check it out. It’s totally over the top, and it’s actually interesting to see the crazy dishes that the chefs think up. And from the set of this show, that’s the type of thing they are going for. But they miss the mark so horrifically I don’t even think they knew what they were aiming at.

First, the word “celebrity” is used VERY loosely. But that’s really not even the point. This is just a horrible idea. In the first few minutes, they showed us exactly what each “celeb” was going to be cooking, and even showed them practicing their dishes with their chef coach. Ok, so if we know what they’re going to make, and we know that they’ve made it successfully before, what is the point of us watching the show? The whole thing just felt like I was sitting and watching someone make dinner. And if I really wanted to do that, I could just watch my husband (and then there’s no commercials or Alan Thicke…two big pluses in my book).

It also seems as if there is some sort of audience voting component. Riddle me that one batman. How can I, sitting at home on my couch, judge how the food tastes? Maybe that whole tv thing from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is finally a reality! Or not…

So, I bailed before the end. And hopefully NBC will as well.

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