Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I'm Back...Thoughts on the Last Week in Reality TV

After another short vacation (don't you just love summer?) I'm back. Of course, reality tv didn't take a break, and things were nuttier than ever. Some thoughts on the past few weeks...

Age of Love
Yes, I actually stuck with this until the end. What a horrible show, and it only got worse as it went on. And if you're shocked that he chose a 20-something instead of the 48 year old, please stop reading this blog now. Not to be rude, but come on - are you really that stupid? I mean, did JEN even think that she would be chosen over Amanda? And how creepy would it be to introduce your boyfriend to your son, and realize that they're closer in age than you are? Ugh.

Fat March
This one is a new one, and I loved it. I know, I love any show where fat people are on scales. And these aren't just fat people - these are 500 pound fat people. The premise of the show is so basic that it's interesting - fat people walking. And with the monetary twists (that they personally lose money when people drop out or are voted out, and they don't have to vote anyone out), it's a mind game as well. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one plays out.

Shaq's Big Challenge
I know, I haven't really written much about this yet, mostly because I sat and watched the entire season in two days. I don't know why - it was on my tivo, and, once again, I like watching fat people on scales (even fat kids, I suppose). Parts of it were really interesting to me, especially the parts in the school. As a teacher, I am appalled by what is served in most school cafeterias, especially considering that it is the one hot meal that many of our students get each day. Frozen foods that are just reheated are the easiest way to go, but certainly not the healthiest. And even in schools where fresh, healthy foods are a choice, so is ice cream and cookies, so can you guess what most students buy? I applaud Shaq, Tyler Florence, and the school for being so willing to make the changes. I also am shocked at the lack of physical education in most schools. It's not that hard to work PE into the schedule - it's just a matter of doing it. As for the show itself, well, it made me realize why I don't teach middle school anymore. Let's just leave it at that. :)

Big Brother
What a few weeks it has been on Big Brother. So much has been going on...I was bummed beyond belief to see Nick get voted off, especially in the way he was. He didn't deserve to be back-doored like that. I also really feel for Eric. He's playing a rough game by voting the way that America tells him to. I thought that he would always have the option to do what America said - that in the end, he could decide how to vote. That would have been a good choice with the Nick vote - if he had voted off Nick, then it would be very easy to pin the vote from the week before on Nick. Sigh...

I thought that the plane thing added a very interesting wrinkle. I saw an interview with Nick last week, and he said that the planes fly over all the time. Usually they lock them all inside until the plane is gone (Nick actually asked people to stop sending planes because it stinks to be on lockdown inside!). But with the HoH, I guess they just had to let them see it. It could completely alter the outcome of the game. Even if Eric pulls out the vote, it has changed his alliance and has cast a shadow of doubt over his game play. I do, though, wonder what CBS will do if he gets voted out. Here's hoping that he figures out a way to pull it off.

So You Think You Can Dance?
The dancing was SO good again last week. I was shocked the week before that Kameron went home, and totally bummed last week to lose Dominic and Sara. Sara lost the dance lottery. Her hip hop routine was good but completely overshadowed by the horrible costumes (and did you love how Adam Shankman asked if they had been Punk'd by wardrobe?). And Lacey's first routine wasn't very good, but she (by the luck of the draw) got to dance Mia's routine about her dad. There's no way anyone was going home after dancing that. So we had to say goodbye to Sara and Dominic. This week is the last episode before the finale, so they'll be dancing to get in the final four. And my pick for the final four (being written before tonight's episode airs...)...Lacey, Sabra, Pasha, and Danny.

Oh yeah - I don't normally comment on the "game show"-type reality shows. I like both of the singing shows, but only because I know all the lyrics (they're actually both pretty bad, but I like to play along). But last night I tried to watch Power of 10. I say tried, because I could only make it through 10 minutes. What a horrible show. I can't believe that Drew Carey got the Price is Right gig after that.

1 comment:

Big Will : The Champ said...

Thanks for watching!!