Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Evel Dick

That's right, this week on Big Brother really has been all about Evel Dick. He is imploding before our eyes. There's no question that he is the most entertaining of all the houseguests. But I'm done with him. I understand that he was purposefully trying to be obnoxious, but he has crossed so many lines that I think he will have problems when he gets out of the house. That's what I never understand on all reality people really not believe that what they do on a reality show won't affect their "real life"? I take real offense to some of the things he
has said - game play or not, you should never attack someone's sexuality, mothering skills, or religion. (yes, I know that a lot of it is probably just to get a rise out of people, but still, some
things should just never be said)

I also found Danielle interesting last night. I think that her outburst about her dad in the HoH room was real, but I also think that she is one of the craftiest players ever. Under all that blonde there is a lot of game play going on. If they are smart they will boot her next week.

Speaking of voting, I am nervous about Dustin being up. I understand why they did it - it really is a slap in the face to Dick to be beaten so soundly by Dustin (and is a show of confidence to Jen). BUT, with that America's Player twist, there is the distinct possibility that
Dustin will go home. If Jen & Zach stay true to Danielle, they will vote to evict Dustin. So will Danielle. That's 3-3, with Jessica breaking the tie. But if "America" votes to have Eric keep Dick, the vote will be 4-3, and Dustin will be the first in the sequester house. I'm surprised that Eric didn't do the math on this in his head and realize that it could backfire for him personally.

I'm torn about who I think will actually go home tomorrow. I really don't know who I even want to go. If they think things through (and that's highly unlikely...), they will evict Dick. I think that a lot is in the editing, and the past few weeks, whoever we thought was going home
stayed. A lot can happen between now and the votes tomorrow night. To me, the key vote is Jen. She's playing dumb, but she's got a few brains up there. She reminds me a lot of Janelle in that way - that she plays the dumb girl, but she knows exactly what she's doing. I mean, we all thought she would be gone weeks ago. I think that however Jen votes, Zach will vote. And if it looks like the house will vote to evict Dick, it really is in her best interest to vote with the house.
Did you notice last night (or maybe it was Sunday) how careful Jen was to not promise Danielle anything? Very smart game play.

In any event, I think that they need to watch out for Jen & Danielle...they could easily be the final two.

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