Friday, August 10, 2007

Kail is Voted Out on Big Brother

What an episode! First, I am glad that Kail was evicted. I am watching her right now on the web show, and she said that she was so homesick, and that because sequester starts next week, she was hoping she would go home. She didn't want to be sequestered - she wants to go home. (I guess then, that they know when sequester starts...last season they started sequester early, so it was a bit of a surprise) That being said, I am shocked at some of what has happened. First, have you seen any of the articles about Amber? One of them is here at It's shocking. I'm clearly appalled, and am ready for her to go home.

I don't understand her tirade on last night's episode. Yes, it was wrong of Eric to use her secret against her. But what is she thinking sharing her deepest darkest secrets on a reality show? Doesn't she realize that even if it's never shared (which, of course it will be) it will be seen on tv? It's crazy. And I don't know how she is not walking around constantly dehydrated from all the crying.

I also don't understand Eric's reaction after Kail was voted out. After the vote, Dick was interrogating people again about the mystery vote. He should have right then and there stood up to Dick and said something about how clearly these mystery votes aren't coming from him since he didn't vote this week, and maybe he should take his witch hunt elsewhere.

I was glad to see Jessica win HoH, and figure that she'll likely put up both Dick & Danielle this week. And what was all the commotion after the HoH competition. I hope CBS shows us some of that on Sunday's show!

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