Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mike Boogie Crowned Winner of Big Brother: All Stars

Hooray for Chilltown!!! I’m so excited that Boogie was crowned the winner of Big Brother: All Stars tonight. The jury recognized that it was Chilltown’s game this summer, and that it was only right that Boogie won in the end.

A quick side note – I have no idea what happened to my blog from last week about the final three. I had a lot to say…it’s somewhere in cyberspace, I’m sure. The short version – thank goodness Boogie won HoH. I think Janelle would have taken him if she won, but Erika would have stuck with the whole misplaced girl power thing. That, and I felt so sad for Boogie being in the house without Will. (although as Boogie was tearfully admitting “we can dish it out but we can’t take it,” I did yell “Hey! There’s no crying in Big Brother!”)

So I loved the staged conversation between the jury members. Janelle was rightfully fired up about Erika, and I was shocked that there were people who thought she played a good game. I also think that Boogie’s answer to Danielle’s question was fantastic; just one more reason why he deserves the money.

Best moment of the night? Jase & Dianne’s mock Chilltown phone call, and the reaction of the jury members watching some of the calls from the diary room. The phone calls were my favorite part of the show – I would love to see just a tape of them!

In the end, the jury did the right thing and voted Mike Boogie the winner. And even though I was hoping it would be Will, I’m so pleased that Chilltown won another title.

Overall, I thought this was a good season. I know that there’s been lots of internet talk that it wasn’t nearly as good as expected, which, to an extent, is true. The challenges were repetitive, and there was definitely a sense that the producers were playing a much bigger role in the show than they should be. You could tell, too, that the houseguests were expecting something bigger and better than what they got, which led to some interesting game play. (could you believe how many times a houseguest “threw” a competition?) But in the end it was good tv, and I’m sad it’s over. Thank goodness all my favorites are coming back, or it would be a long long time till next summer.

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