Thursday, May 17, 2007

Shocker in the Final Two on Idol

Ok, so everyone but me was shocked at last night's results show on Idol. No one believed that Melinda could actually be voted out before the finale. But after nearly an hour of filler, that's exactly what happened. And I, for one, am not surprised. When it comes right down to it, there's no question that she is a better singer than the others. But there's also no question that she seems about 30 years older than the other two. That's great if you're looking to sell records to the parents of the pre-teens that watch Idol. She had to know that her fan base was older, since she consistently chose songs this season that were recorded 20+ years ago. And for every vote that a 40-something casts, a 13 year old sent 100 text-messages. So Melinda is out, and the much younger Blake is in.

A personal side note for those of you who have been following my Idol pool picks. With Melinda leaving last night, I am guaranteed at least second place. And if Blake wins, I win the whole thing. It looks like being a reality tv nerd has finally started to pay off...

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