Friday, October 19, 2007

End of the Blog...

Yes, that's right. As you could probably tell from the overall lack of posts the past few months, I've over committed myself, and something has to go. Sadly, since this is the writing that I don't get paid for, it has to be this blog. It's a shame - I've really enjoyed writing it, and hearing from so many of you. I'll still be watching a healthy dose of reality tv - just because I'm not blogging about it doesn't mean I'm not still an addict! And hopefully as things in my schedule clear up (or when someone FINALLY starts paying me to blog about tv!) I can come back to it. Thanks so much for reading these past few years.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've lurked for awhile, and have always enjoyed your smart and funny commentary -- you often write exactly what I'm thinking :)

I'll miss this blog!