So far, the only “summer” show worth watching is So You Think You Can Dance?. (I tried to watch Gameshow Marathon, I really was just SO bad. And not so bad it was good; just SO bad.) I watched all of the early auditions on tivo (great fun to watch bad dancers!), and tonight was the first night of competition for votes. I didn’t watch the show last summer, so this was my first look at the show. And as a former dancer (that’s right, I used to dance…even thought about making it a career) this is a great show.
The first part of the show (the early auditions) were a lot like those on American Idol – contestants performed for the judges, hoping to get a ticket to Vegas. Then there was “Vegas Week,” where each day dancers were taught different routines, and slowly cut down to the 10 best girls and 10 best guys. Now, the contestants have been paired up as couples, and they will compete as a couple each week. Each couple was taught choreography (with lots of different styles of dance), and performed them tonight. America votes (just like Idol), but with this show, the bottom three couples then perform solos for the judges, and the judges decide which girl and which guy go home. I assume that the dancers who lost their partners then become a couple (or maybe they eliminate the entire couple?), but I’m fuzzy on that part for sure! Confused yet? I sure am, but so far this is just as good as Idol, but without the bad singing. Fantastic.
Before we start talking about the show though, a word about the contestants. And not about their dancing – they’re all excellent dancers. No, my question is about their names. Who decided that they should spell their names the way the do? Is this something that they have come up with because they’re on television? Or do we have a generation of kids out there that have plain names with ridiculous spellings? Like Jaymz. Or Aleksandra, What is going on?
The first couple was Benji and Donyelle doing an amazing hip hop routine. Sure, they’re the first couple, but I think they’re definitely early favorites. I actually liked them both a lot in the audition rounds, especially Benji. The judges loved them too; they’ll probably sail through the next few rounds.
After Benji and Donyelle, Ivan and Allison were a huge let down. Their club salsa routine just wasn’t very good. Well, to be fair, Ivan wasn’t very good. Allison was MUCH better than he was; Ivan was just a prop. They’ll be in the bottom three for sure.
Next up was Jason and Aleksandra doing a contemporary routine. That style is SO hard, and they did a good job with it – actually, a much better job than I would have thought.
Jaymz and Jessica were next with 70s disco. Overall, they did a good job. Some parts seemed a bit slow, but I think that was the choreography, not the dancers.
I really liked Stanislav during the audition round. But his partner was cut in the final round, so he’s now dancing the paso doble with Erin. For what it was, it was ok…Stanislav was much better than Erin. She’s lucky that he was good enough to probably get them through to another week!
One of the things I like about the show is that each couple has a different style of dance. That is, except for Dmitry and Joy. For whatever reason, they also danced a hip hop routine. They were good (especially considering Dmitry is a ballroom dancer), but not nearly as good as Benji and Donyelle; because they were the only two couples to dance the same style, they will inevitably be compared to each other. I don’t know how that happened, but it wasn’t really fair; I hope they make it through to next week.
Ryan wins the most obnoxious dancer award for tonight. First, he was complaining because Heidi wasn’t the girl he wanted as his partner (which was just stupid…did you see how Heidi danced in the auditions?). Then it turns out that for all that attitude, Ryan just wasn’t a very good dancer. They’ll be joining Ivan and Allison in the bottom three.
The third couple in the bottom three? Probably Ben and Ashlee. Which is really a shame, because Ben was one of my favorites from the auditions. But they got an 80s routine, and not a very good one at that. Nigel thought it was juvenile, and it was, but that was the choreography, not the dancers. In all fairness they struggled with the lifts, but I don’t understand why the choreographer didn’t take some of them out when it was obvious how they would be done.
Not anywhere near the bottom three was Travis and Martha. Their broadway routine was one of the best of the night (although I could have done without Martha’s outfit). They both made a hard routine look so easy, and they were so enjoyable to watch. A top couple for sure.
Finally we had Musa and Natalie. Musa is such an amazing street dancer, so a mambo was quite the challenge. But they did surprisingly good – I was shocked at how well Musa rose to the occasion. And Natalie was smoking – they’ll make it through on the strength of her hips alone.
So even though I’m not quite sure how the elimination process works, I think that America will put Ivan & Allison, Ryan & Heidi, and Ben & Ashlee will be in the bottom three. And if I were going to vote it would be for Benji & Donyelle – their performance held up through the entire show.