Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Vegas Baby!! It’s Vegas night on American Idol, and oh, are the “stars” out tonight!

Ok, maybe “stars” is a bit of an exaggeration. Would you give me that the characters are out tonight? Because the characters certainly came out. Do these people who come in costumes honestly think it is a good idea? Of course, the “Jamaican” from Bakersfield (because, in the immortal words of Paula Abdul, “that’s where all the Jamaican’s are from”) broke down in the confession booth afterward. As they say, hindsight is 20-20.

Speaking of Paula Abdul, she was far more “edgier” tonight. I like that – I don’t think that she needs to always be sticky-sweet and complement the contestants. I’ve heard her interviewed before, and she often says that she feels like she needs to balance out Simon and Randy, because “they’re just kids.” But at this point in the show, they have got to know that if they’re not good, Simon WILL be harsh. And if they just had a friend or two who would tell them the truth about their lack of talent, well, they could save us a whole lot of trouble.

And there really was a lot of trouble tonight. The “shouter” who used quite a bit of profanity afterwards. And the fortune teller who returned with her sister (who also couldn’t sing). How about Anthony, the guy who has 75 (did I hear that right? 75??) animals in his apartment. And of course, Haggai, who, in his American flag shirt, claimed he had “perfect pitch.”

It also seems like Ryan is getting tired of the characters as well. Is it just me, or did it seem like he just was losing patience?

There were a few good singers tonight. I liked Mecca, the belly dancer who looked a LOT younger than she was – her voice had a great quality to it. And I liked Heather, the girl who worked at a prison. But really, that was about it. There was much more focus on the bad singers, mainly because there were so many of them (I think they said only 13 singers got through to Hollywood?). Is it wrong that I’m happy that this stage of the auditions are almost done?...

Monday, January 30, 2006

So I went out to dinner Saturday night with an old friend. And we weren’t the only old friends catching up at the restaurant – the table behind me was clearly two women doing the same thing. But while my friend and I talked about our jobs, friends, and all sorts of things, what were the two women behind us catching up on? The Bachelor: Paris. I guess I’m not the only one…

Before I continue though, please scroll down to read my entry from last week’s show. Go ahead – I’ll wait. At the end, I talked about a great idea for who the “mystery women” could be. And what happened? They used my idea!!!! Ok, before you start writing me nasty emails (“don’t you know that the show was filmed months ago?”), yes, I know that it wasn’t my idea. But would you accept that I managed to predict the truth? Maybe? :) All in all, I liked that the dates were decided by former contestants. The girls in the house have a better idea than most who is really there for the right reasons. So it was no surprise that Jehan and Sarah from Tennessee got the individual dates – excellent choices.

Of course, Jehan’s date was overshadowed by her “big revelation.” This also brings to light that my definition of a big revelation is clearly very different than that of a tv exec. Because I was hoping for something big – you know, like that she is a former porn star, or maybe a hooker. (Remember back to the second season of Average Joe? The big revelation was that she used to date pretty boy Fabio. Whoop de do.) But the “big” revelation was that she is divorced. See, the thing is that 50% of marriages end in divorce. It’s horrifying, but true. We all have friends who have been divorced. It might be a big deal for Travis, but not for most of us. At least Jehan was a nice, honest girl.

Which leads me to the group date, or “Moana brings three girls on her date.” What does he see in her? Yes, I understand she’s pretty, but so were the girls he let go. My only thought is that when they were getting the massage, she told him something that wasn’t aired. As she started to open up, it’s entirely possible that she asked them to stop filming, or to turn the sound off. I hope that this is really just editing, and she’s not as mean as they are making her out to be. But they can only edit what actually happens.

Other than Moana, I was so happy with the rose ceremony. I love Sarah from Tennessee, and it’s great that she is from the same place as him. I think that will get her a lot further than the other girls…it will be a lot easier for them to have an actual relationship. And I like Susan as well. I know they say that she wants to be an actress, but she seems really nice. Other than the fact that in the promo for next week you see him being grilled by Sarah from Tennessee’s mom, I think that the final 3 will be the two Sarahs and Susan…hopefully only one more week of Moana!!

Before I go into a full-out rant about tonight’s episode of Skating With Celebrities, I must make this statement: Yes, I know how ridiculous it is to get worked up about a reality show. A really really bad reality show. A reality show that should really have never been made. I know. I’m just lame like that. That being said…

What on Earth was up with the judging on tonight’s episode of Skating With Celebrities? I give a lot of credit to Kristy Swanson & Jillian Barberie. If I were them, after I heard my scores on tonight’s episode, I would have walked right off the set. For whatever reason, the judges have an agenda, and are simply assigning scores to make the results work for that agenda.

In the segments showing the teams practicing, most of the competitors talked about stepping up their routines, and adding more difficulty. But the team that added the least amount of difficulty was rewarded with the highest scores. I would love to know what the criteria are that the judges are using. Because apparently skating around in a circle works if you’ve won an Olympic medal in track. Oh – dressing in drag works too…especially for these judges. I defy anyone to explain to me why Bruce & Tai earned an 8.5 while Kurt & Deborah earned a 7.9.

I would imagine that the target audience for this show are people (ok, women) who usually watch figure skating. So why not judge the competition in a way that would make sense to those people. Heck, in a way that makes sense to any people would be nice. I like Nancy Kerrigan and all, but the program she skated tonight with Dave was barely watchable. And Tai & Bruce’s program was horrific. It really looked like he was just skating around the rink. Yes, I understand that he’s much older than the other competitors. Maybe that means that he shouldn’t have agreed to do the show.

I know – I am getting myself really worked up about a silly tv show. A really silly tv show. Sigh…

There is no question in my mind that the order of competitors (in spite of trips and falls) should have been – 1. John & Jillian; 2. Kristy & Lloyd; 3. Kurt & Deborah; 4. Nancy & Dave; 5. Bruce & Tai.

One last question – how can Fox keep promoting this show as celebrities skating live? This is just not true. Tonight’s episode was taped at least a week ago, since they showed segments from tonight’s show during the previews last week. Yes, they are skating in front of a “live audience” (meaning simply that there are actual people in the stands), but that’s not what Fox has been saying. In fact, judging from the previews we saw before the first show even aired, I believe the show was shot weeks (or even months) ago.

Stay tuned to see if I actually watch this silliness next week…

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

After watching weeks and weeks of The Biggest Loser and seeing them shrink down, I broke down and bought The Biggest Loser Workout DVD. So, I thought, "hey, if these people can do it, so can I." Heck, they weigh much more than me. And after one workout, I could barely walk. My husband thought I was being a wimp, so he did it with me. Twice. Now he can barely walk. (keep in mind, he runs 3-4 miles 3 times a week...he's in great shape) THIS is why they lose so much weight!!

Of course, I have noticed that Jillian's teams are always the ones who end up winning. And I wondered if maybe I should have bought her DVD instead (although if she works them harder than Bob, I would never be able to walk again). She is insane. And I LOVED that she handcuffed the guy from the red team to the treadmill tonight. But I think that this is the week that Bob has her beat. The red team seemed to step right out of a stereotype. Could they yell at each other any more? And I had visions of the teenage daughter coming home from her uplifting walk with the teenager from the other team to her family yelling that she was being friendly with the enemy. (and how great was the conversation between the two girls? I wish they had more stuff like that on the show)

The challenge tonight was great too. I loved the "don't hit the stop button twice" element. But why didn't the teams stop and strategize? There had to be some strategy to it -- figure out how long each person could reasonably walk or run at a fast pace, and rotate out accordingly. It seemed like they just were taking turns whenever they got tired. And my beloved karma came into play as the red team hit that stop button an extra time and lost at the end. Ha! That's what you get for yelling at your family!

Anyways, I wish I didn't have to wait a week to see them at home, even though I like seeing them make it work in "the real world." I guess I'll just have to wait...
So, this is the fifth season of American Idol. And even though some may have thought that its popularity would wane, it is still going strong. In fact, some ridiculous number of people (30 million? 40 million? Somewhere in that range...) watched the premiere last week. So not only is there an ample supply of talent (and those who think they have talent), there is an ample supply of people who want to watch it.

Which brings me to my problem with American Idol.
I love American Idol. Any problems I have with the show do not in any way take away from the fact that I have never, and will never (thank you tivo) miss an episode. 'Nuff said.**
They have simply got to find new editors. Some editors who understand that we don't want to know what is going to happen before it happens. For example, the whenever they focus on a contestant -- do an interview with them, show them at home, etc. -- you know you are going to see something amazing. Amazingly good, or amazingly bad; just amazing. If they go to their house, it's almost always amazingly good. Like the girl last night who lived with her grandfather. Or the girl tonight whose mom is a voice teacher. Amazingly good. When their piece on the contestant mostly takes place in the waiting room, it's almost always amazingly bad. Like the girl tonight that look MUCH older than she was (I think they said that she looked like a mom dressing up like her daughter...you know, the one with the hair...). Or the "all-terrrain entertainer"...oh wow.

I did love the moment when the larger girl said she had quit her job to be on American Idol. And that she just learned recently that she could sing (which was not a good sign of things to come). After she sang (if you could call it that), Simon offered to call her boss to get her job back. That was great.

The other thing that bugs me is how they are teasing one storyline or contestant through the whole show. Last week it was the boy that looked like a girl. Last night it was Rhonetta. And tonight they teased the fight with Simon for the entire hour. Why oh why do they do this? Do they think we might turn the show off? If anything, their incessant teasing makes me want to change the channel, rather than settle in for the duration. Please stop doing that!!! It's a horrible technique -- please stop.

Finally, there was a great article about AI in today's Washington Post -- if you haven't read it, you really should. (it's online -- I don't want to get in trouble for posting the link!!)

Until next time...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Even though I love the audition rounds of American Idol, I wonder what some of these singers, sitting at home on their couches, are thinking. What must it be like to have built a career on writing and singing music, to then hear your songs being butchered by kids in North Carolina? I wish I could be sitting on their couch instead of mine…

Tonight’s contestants did a spectacular job of killing songs. From the very first contestant (who didn’t even know the words to “Lean on Me”), you just knew that tonight was going to be painful. They wore lingerie, brought project boards, danced, held notes (and words) way too long, impersonated Michael Jackson, relied on the advice from Psychic Friends…wow. At least Marcus had the good sense to hammer the “Singing with Randy & Paula” DVD to shreds.

Of course, there were some really good singers tonight. There was the girl who lives with her grandfather because her mom abandoned her and her dad is in jail. She was perky, and sweet, and had a nice voice. And the military man who sang and danced with Paula – singing Marvin Gaye was a great choice (and I loved that once Paula realized he was married he said “it’s Paula Abdul – she can join in!”). And I liked the cowboy who sang “Bless the Broken Road,” but that might be because it’s one of my favorite songs! And the firefighter who sang Josh Groban was great as well.

Then there’s Paris, the girl whose grandmother is a Grammy winning singer. She was amazing. How amazing was she? My husband, who hates watching American Idol, just said “with her, there’s no reason for them to do the rest of the show.” The judges actually asked her to sing again, just so they could enjoy another song. The only thing I wonder, is why does she need this show? With her family connections, and her amazing voice, she could really get a contract on her own

But the great singers were really overshadowed by the non-talent. Like Rhonetta. They teased her “performance” for the entire two hours, and by George, I sat through the entire show to see her. And thank goodness, because this one lived up to the hype. Wow. What on Earth would possess someone to dress/sing/act like that??? Does she really think she is good? And what is her beef with Paula Abdul? Is she really that upset that Paula offered her some of her water? I thought she was being nice. Then again, I thought that outfits like that should never be worn in public. Shows what I know.

So it was quite an episode – the best and the worst in the competition in the same episode. What a night for music. And you real music stars, watching your songs get butchered….I would love a spot on your couch :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

After watching "celebrities" skate, tonight's episode of The Bachelor: Paris was a welcome relief. And, because ABC cancelled Emily's Reasons Why Not after only one episode (seriously, how much does you show have to suck to be cancelled after one episode, while Bruce Jenner continues to ice skate?), they showed last week's episode as well. Way to go ABC.

Now, even though we've only had three episodes, I'm starting to get attached to some of the girls. I love both Sarahs -- they both seem to be the most "real" of all the girls. I loved that Sarah from Canada actually pointed out to Travis that she wasn't giving the "right" answers. And Sarah from Tennessee is really there for Travis -- not because she gets exposure on a tv show. I like Susan as well...it looks like she and Travis have a genuine connection.

On the other end of the spectrum are the girls I wish had gone home. Tara is more and more obnoxious. Why does she feel the need to break up Travis and whoever he is having one on one time with? It is just so catty. And then there's Moana. She reminds me of arguments I would have with my little sister growing up. You know what I'm talking about. There would be a new book/dress/cupcake that she just wasn't interested in. That is, until I wanted it. Then she fought until she got it. Come on -- you all know what I mean. Moana seems like she only wants Travis because all the other women want Travis. Her whole body language changes depending on whether or not Travis is in the room. And when Shiloh was eliminated, she didn't even get up at first to say goodbye. Come on. At least pretend you're a nice person.

And we can't forget Travis. He continues to be one of the best Bachelors yet. Yes, he started kissing girls this week. But that's all. And he's not getting all slobbery with them yet (although Sarah from Canada sure tried). Travis -- way to be a gentleman.

I almost forgot the most important part of the episode -- the friends. That was great. I just loved their quiz, especially the rings. When I got engaged, I actually asked for a smaller diamond than most of my friends were getting. Really. (I know, my husband was surprised too) I have tiny hands, and I'm a tomboy -- a big diamond would be ridiculous. So it was funny to see what the girls were choosing. And talent? Well, a few of them could make it on to David Letterman with their stupid human tricks. I think they did a good job setting up the dates.

The rose ceremony wasn't a surprise at all -- I was surprised that Shiloh got a rose last week over Cole. The previews for next week look good -- I wonder who the "mystery" guests are. From the legs, they look to be women (although if you saw American Idol last week, I could be wrong). Maybe they are sisters, or friends, or girls from previous seasons. Or rejected girls...oooh...that would be a good twist! I should really call ABC...
There's something so captivating about watching a really bad show. One of those things that you can't bear to watch, yet you can't bear to tear your eyes away. And Skating with Celebrities tonight certainly didn't disappoint.

Now, don't get me wrong -- I enjoyed watching tonight's episode. Although I do feel a little strange for it. Almost like I am cheating on real figure skating (I swear, it didn't mean a thing!!). But the fact of the matter is that this was nothing like real figure skating. Ok, there was ice, and skates, and flashy costumes. But did you see Bruce Jenner? One look at him and Tai is enough to tell you that this is not real skating.

Speaking of Bruce Jenner, it was quite the victory for him tonight. He wasn't eliminated. He didn't fall. He didn't break a hip. Definitely a moral victory.

And poor Debbie (oh, I'm sorry, Deborah) Gibson. Her program with Kurt Browning (who is one of the best skaters in the competition) was fantastic. She is clearly working hard. And it was enjoyable to watch them skate. But "know your audience" bit them in the butt. There is no way that those judges are fans of Grease. And that was clear from the scores.

Speaking of the judges, can someone please explain to me what is up with the American Idol knock-offs? Seriously. They have the cranky Brit, the perky woman (who is the only actual star) who likes everyone, and the random minority (in this case, gay, not black). And how could they not like Jillian and Ryan. That performance was actually watchable. And enjoyable. And better than what you would see at a local ice rink show (trust me -- I've been to ice skating recitals). Yet they weren't rewarded by the judges. Go figure.

So Jenni & Todd were eliminated, even though their performance was much better than Tai & Bruce (who, remember, did not break a hip) or Nancy & Dave. Sure, Todd slipped. But their performance was really good. Oh well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So, it's the second half of The Biggest Loser: Special Edition featuring engaged couples. And even though this really is one of my favorite shows, I'm left feeling a bit disappointed.

I'm not even sure why I'm disappointed. They lost a lot of weight. They had arguments along the way. They got to meet Kelly from season 1. They even got to see Jillian in what can only be described as the ugliest shirt ever (you know, the one with the rainbow collar? the one that is really an insult to shirts everywhere. and rainbows).

I think part of it was that both girls were just so darn annoying. I just wanted to reach into my tv and smack them. It seemed like sometimes their fiancess wanted to do that too...probably a good thing that cameras were always on them. I don't really care that it's hard. Of course it's hard. Just stop whining all the time.

The other thing that was disappointing was that the red team won again. Seriously -- what does Jillian do to them? They just keep winning! I have got to read her book...

Speaking of Jillian, she looked strange during the finale. It might have just been another bad shirt choice (and really, that was another bad choice...what does she have against good shirts?). but she looked off. Hopefully she was just having an off night, and she is ok.

Next week looks good...I think that I saw Jillian handcuffing someone to the treadmill. So that's her secret...
Ok, so I thought that Skating With Celebrities sounded like a horrible idea. And really, it still might be. But just like you know you have to look when you drive by an accident, you just can't help but watching it. I know I can't tear my eyes away.

A quick word on what Fox is trying to copy with this show, Dancing with the Stars. I like the show. I watch the show. But I have nothing to say about it. (hence, no blog entries so far) I'm sure if something interesting happens, I'll have something to say. But for now, it's a nice diversion on Fridays (yes, I know it is on on Thursdays...it happens to be on opposite two of the only two sitcoms worth watching, My Name is Earl and The Office, so I tivo it and watch it on Fridays). For the most part, I hate when Fox tries to copy a hit show, especially since their versions are rarely as good. But this one, promoted as "anyone can ballroom dance...", well, really takes it to the next level.

That being said, I really enjoyed tonight's show. I follow figure skating (phew, it felt good to say that in public), so it was cool to see the skaters doing something very different. And these "celebrities" (does the uncle from Full House really qualify as a celebrity??), well, lets just say watching them attempt to skate makes good television.

My favorite performance of the night was definitely Jillian & Ryan. I love Ryan Zimmerman in general (remember, I actually follow figure skating...I know some of you are still trying to comprehend that), and he and Jillian are really good together. They are clearly the pair to beat.

Speaking of scores, what is Summer Sanders doing on this show? There she is, waiting for them in the "kiss & cry." Sure she's an Olympic athlete, but a summer Olympian! She's a swimmer! Oh, please let this not mean that this summer we'll be seeing Swimming with Celebrities...

Anyways, for what it's worth, I liked it. A lot. And since the previews show blood and broken bones, it can only get better.

Another night, another episode of American Idol. Someone out there really does love me.

The show started, well, “strong.” Simon summed it up best when he said “this is all going horribly wrong.” Why on earth would you sing a Paula Abdul song? There is no way that any of the judges would think it was better than the original.

This brings me to my big question for the night – where are these contestant’s friends? And why are they lying to them about being good singers? Because that’s what they all say – “my friends all say I’m a good singer.”

And so many of them couldn't sing. "What planet did you fly in from?" "I usually just sing for my turkeys." Clothing that looks like a table cloth. Oh my.

There were some who could sing. Especially the 16 year old girl who sang towards the beginning of the show -- I hope that she knows that Simon was serious that she is one of the best 16 year olds out there. I also liked the rocker from North Carolina. Even though Simon didn't like them, he was really good. They are both strong candidates for the final 32.

But the you knew that the producers had saved something "special" for the end. And you knew it was going to be good because when they kept teasing it, they only showed the final contestant's legs. But even though you knew what was probably coming, it was quite the shock to see Zachary, who, for all intensive purposes, was a girl. He claimed he was a guy (and he probably really is), but looks like a girl, dresses like a girl, and sounds like a girl. And he was then upset that the judges didn't really know what to make of him. But don't get upset that people mistake you for a girl when you dress like that. And sorry, you didn't make it because you can't sing, not because you don't look like anyone else in the competition.

So, another two hour episode next week...and the previews look good. Oh boy...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I learned a lot tonight. That’s right – I feel so much smarter from my night of watching American Idol. First, be careful when you take a mouthful. There I was, sitting on my couch, eating my yogurt, when Simon told someone that she sounded like a bag of cats being boiled. And when he meowed, well, yogurt right out the nose.

Next, I learned that even though he shot the sheriff, he did not shoot the deputy. Yes, he did not shoot the deputy. Did you hear him? He did not shoot the deputy. Of course, when he gets home, who knows what the sheriff will do to him.

The producers clearly have a sense of humor. At one point, Ryan says that “the crowd is thinning.” And behind him are all people who could be on the cast of The Biggest Loser. Really. Every single contestant in the shot. To that producer -- way to go.

If you can’t sing, wear a LOT of makeup, and be sure to go to the tanning booth. Repeatedly. Or use words that have to be bleeped out. Or dress up like the statue of liberty. Or wear a crazy hat.

I learned that Simon isn’t going to tone it down this season. Did he really tell that boy to shave his beard and become a female impersonator? Or call the nerdy kid a wasp? Or tell the girl from Ukraine to audition for Fatal Attraction 3?

Not everyone who makes it in front of the judges can sing. If they did, there wouldn’t be much of a show. A “range” of contestants make it to that final stage. See, this is something that I thought everyone knew. Well, everyone except the contestants who make it to the final round.

Sometimes, even if you can’t sing, you will make it through to Hollywood. Why, you may ask? Well, towards the end of the day, Paula & Randy will clearly put someone through just to get back at Simon. And if he can talk to the animals, well, all the better. Wow.

I have learned that not everyone knows if they can sing or not. Me, I know that I am not allowed to sing out of the house. But apparently, not everyone has that ability, and for the wonderful television it makes, I say thank goodness.

I haven’t laughed this hard in weeks. What a great start to the season. If I could watch this every night, I would be a happy happy happy girl. Thank you AI…you made my day.

You know, The Bachelor is degrading to women. It's degrading to men. Heck, it might even be degrading to my two rabbits that watched it with me last night. But it is SO good. And this season may be the best in awhile.

First, ABC is clearly listening to talk shows and reading blogs and knew that everyone was talking about crazy Allie. Poor, crazy Allie, with her rotting eggs. So what did they do? They re-packaged the first episode with about two more minutes of Allie footage and showed it again. Give that exec a pat on the back. An hour of tv that cost them about $50 to re-edit. Way to go. And wouldn't you know it, I couldn't tear myself away. I just wonder what she said to the casting agent that got her on the show. They have thousands of women that apply -- what would make them choose her? And I hope that they paid the show's psychologist extra after that -- you know she made her money that night.

Anyways, on to the "real" episode -- the dates. The first dates are always interesting -- so many girls at once. And Travis seems to actually understand that each of these girls is getting emotionally involved -- way more involved than he is. That's why I was so impressed with him last night, making a conscious decision to hold off on kissing anyone yet. There have been seasons where there are kisses handed out before roses. This was a nice change, and speaks very highly of him.

This brings me to my next question -- does Travis get to choose which girls go on each date? It seemed like he knew in advance that by giving Kristin the last rose she would get the one-on-one date. And it was cute that he called her mom to find out what food she liked -- he obviously did not know what the rest of us already did -- she was not going to be getting a rose. And that in itself was great television. We've all been there -- a friend is going on a date with someone we would like to date. So we give them some bad advice, which obviously will make their date fail. Go ahead, we say, read him a poorly written poem! Make him a card! Teach him how to make fake teeth out of orange skin! And we can't believe that she would actually take the advice. Those other girls helped themselves to have a better chance at a rose, and I can't say that I blame them.

The two group dates were great, although I don't like the new trend that there is a rose on every date. I don't even know why -- I just don't like it. I guess that part of me wants to think that they're just on a date, rather than on a show. But it adds an element of "cattiness" that I'm not such a fan of.

My favorite part of the episode was definitely the birthday cake for Susan. They were having such a moment -- the kind that makes you think she will be one of the final girls. And here come Tara & Jehan to break up the party. So what does Travis do? Sends them away with a piece of cake. I loved it! :)

The rose ceremony was only kind of surprising -- I knew that both Sarahs and Susan would get a rose, and Tara and Jehan already had them. That leaves three in play. I figured that Yvonne would go (I don't know...she just didn't seem to fit in). But I was surprised about Moana and Cole. Moana is clearly there to play "the game" -- a few of the girls even said that she wants to be an actress, so this is just a stepping stone. And I thought that Cole would get a rose -- she seemed to really fit in. Of course, we only see about 40 minutes out of an entire week's worth of footage, so you never know. They edit the show to tell a story. Which is why I think that three of the final four will be Susan and both Sarahs. The fourth? Well...honestly, from watching way too many of these shows, I think it will be Moana. It's a storyline, and the editors love that. My favorites? Susan and Sarah from Tennesee. Of course, now that I said that, they'll be the next two to go. Such a guilty pleasure...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I like the format of The Biggest Loser: Special Edition -- shorter times on the ranch, more time in "the real world." And since I watched tonight and last week's episodes both tonight (once again, thank goodness for tivo and the foresight to set it before leaving to visit my family), the format itself is the best part of this mini-season.

The thing about The Biggest Loser is how it doesn't really seem realistic. Even if I were to spend the money and hire a personal trainer, I wouldn't have hours and hours each day to exercise. So by only having the contestants on the ranch for 12 days means that there's a lot more "real life" weight loss -- the kind that you can do while working or going to school (although I got the impression that at least part of this was filmed over summer vacation). The bottom line is that if you commit to eating healthy and exercising, you will lose weight.

One more note from last week's episode -- the red team won. This is only important in the fact that Jillian was their trainer -- in fact, Jillian has been the trainer for the two winners of the regular show as well. Now, Bob is by far my favorite trainer. I wish I had the money to hire him to train me -- he just comes across as being caring but tough all rolled into one really good looking package. But Jillian, for all her harshness, seems to get the better results. I don't know if it's just a coincidence. But it's enough for me to have just ordered Jillian's book from Amazon.

Tonight's special edition featured engaged couples looking for their fairy tale weddings, which, of course, means losing weight. Now, for those of you who are not married, you need to understand that nearly every bride out there strives to lose weight before her wedding. When you realize that your entire family and all your friends will be sitting in a church/synagogue/chapel/Vegas and staring at your backside as you exchange vows, you are suddenly motivated to get on the treadmill. In fact, the year I got married was the year I took kick boxing classes (for, what my then fiancee called, an alternate universe where aerobics can kill). Anyways, even though both girls got on my nerves by the end of the hour, I liked the idea of engaged couples competing with each other. If you can survive your fiancee knowing how much you weigh, and then watching him lose weight twice as fast as you, even though you are eating the exact same things and working out just as hard, you can survive anything together.

So, I am looking forward to next week's episode, especially to see how they will handle the challenge when faced with the stress of being home and planning a wedding. And I'm patiently waiting for the next "real" season to start as well...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's January, The Bachelor is back, and all is right with the world. :)

Last night's episode was one of the best premieres of the show in years. Of course, Chris Harrison started out as always with saying that this was the best looking bachelor yet (and since they always say this, I can't WAIT to see who they choose next season, because this one will be hard to top!). But the noticable difference was that they went back to the original formula for the first meeting (ball gowns, getting out of the limo, etc.), and that the episode was only an hour. That meant we didn't have the hour of meeting each girl, which was so tedious. The bottom line is that we don't need to see footage of them telling their friends or getting on the plane. Just put them in the limos already. (thank you ABC)

Travis really seemed like the perfect bachelor. Not only is he cute, but he's smart -- a serious departure from some of the other bachelors. And he, at least from the 20 minutes we saw last night, seems like a genuinely nice person. Of course, my husband thinks I only watch the show to comment on the hair and dresses of the girls (and really, what were some of them thinking???), but I like the guy too. ABC did a great job casting this season, even with the girls who you knew right away would never see a rose. Princess? Your name is Princess? And Jaime, who I think might have gotten a rose had the producers helped her to choose a different dress and hairstyle (she seemed really nice, but really out of her element). And then there was Allie.

Oh Allie. Your eggs are rotting. You're ready for the reproductive years. And you just don't know why the bachelor didn't give you a rose. How on earth are you a doctor if you can't see signs like that. Can you imagine it -- you walk into her office with a broken arm and she sends you in for a CAT scan because she can't figure out why you can't move your arm. Oh my. I only wish he had kept you around for one more week so we could have seen you on a group date. That would have been great television. Although I did like that they rolled the credits over her accosting a producer, who just didn't know what to do.

There were a couple of girls that I was surprised he let go -- Venus (who was also a doctor, although he might not have ever known that) and April, who he seemed to like. Oh well. Cutting so many women at once is bound to leave you open to make a few mistakes. At least he didn't say the wrong name. Once the dates start, we'll really know who is who. I can't wait!